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"The biggest shift in a relationship comes when both focus on healing their wounds and start understanding how trauma/old hurt is impacting their actions. When both expand their self-awareness the union is rejuvenated, the projections decrease and they can see each other with new clarity."

Yung Pueblo

Services: Famous Quote


Foggy Pier


Individual Therapy 

I specialize in breaking unhealthy patterns. My focus is on expanding how you understand yourself and providing insights into defense mechanisms which no longer serve you. They can often cause feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, feeling forgotten or unimportant. Focusing on fear and vulnerability will allow us to work toward true emotional safety, with tools to allow yourself to be seen and to get your individual and relationship needs met.

Couples Therapy

Couples often struggle with identifying and understanding their needs, expressing them to their partner, and getting them met. I work with dedicated couples who are motivated and willing to do the work necessary to meet their shared goals. Some of these goals include:

  • Improving conflict resolution so that when disagreements arise they do not escalate

  • Maintaining healthy dynamics often at the root of conflict, such as trust, power and safety

  • Learning how to listen so that both partners are seen, heard and felt without defensiveness or explanation

  • Developing the tools to connect more intimately both sexually and emotionally

  • Attuning and attending to yourself and each other in trying times and turning inward toward the relationship when in need

Image by Joshua Torres


It is my belief that early emotional bonds inform how safe we feel in the world, and how we relate to important people in our lives. These attachments determine safety and security in relationships as adults, ultimately determining the level of satisfaction gained from relationships. Integral to this are the stories formed about oneself and how they were arrived upon.

Unresolved, old wounds have a way of creeping into relationships, sabotaging the safety of the bond.  Awareness is required to change the course of how couples engage with each other, and how they hold and attend to each other's pain. 

When individuals feel heard, and vulnerabilities such as fear and shame are uncovered and tended to, healing can begin. Criticism, defensiveness and judgement can impede this process.  Learning how to use tools such as compassion, empathy and attuned listening liberates and supports both individual and relational healing with safety.



Mindfulness is simply the state of being aware of something. When we are mindful, there is a focused awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.  Research has shown that higher levels of mindfulness predict happier, more satisfying relationships.

Both individually and in relationships, mindfulness involves escorting thoughts away from judgement, criticism and "autopilot", toward the here and now with acceptance, compassion, and lovingkindness. It allows for a deeper connection to the present, and attunement to the choices being made. When careful attention is paid to the present, we can choose how to proceed in a way that aligns with our intentions and goals. 

Mindfulness can help with the following common challenges: 

  • Managing emotions toward responsiveness rather than being reactionary

  • Being more present and attentive to oneself and others

  • Increasing empathy

  • Identifying triggers

  • Separating trauma responses and old hurts from reality

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving emotional maturity

  • Expanding self-awareness and understanding

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